Houston Face and Neck Lift

Published on August 31, 2015

As we get older there are a number of small, subtle and not-so-subtle changes that occur. Every person experiences the onset of these common signs of aging a little bit differently–some see them sooner than others and some are more advanced that others. Perhaps you’ve noticed that your jaw line is not as defined as it used to be or there is excess, sagging under your chin. Today with the help of Houston Face and Neck Lift the lower portion of the face and neck may be rejuvenated to look more fresh and youthful, yet still natural. There are different types of Face lifts and Neck lifts from the mini lift to the lunchtime lift to the weekend lift–what is right for you?

The first step when looking to make any type of cosmetic change or rejuvenation is to consult your plastic surgeon. During your consultation you will discuss your goals and concerns, talk about your medical history, and learn more about your procedure options. If you are ready to take that first step, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Fred Bressler to find out if a Face and Neck Lift may be right for you.

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