Malar Cheek Implants – Houston Cheek Implants

Published on March 28, 2014

Malar Cheek ImplantsFacial implants can add a great deal of balance and harmony to our appearance. With the right implants in the appropriate position, the enhancement can be subtle yet significant. Malar cheek implants, for example, can heighten the profile of the cheeks, add volume to a sunken appearance, or both, depending on the type of implant.

Malar cheek implants are one of the options available for the type of implant shape. There are also submalar implants, as well as combination implants. Malar cheek implants are designed to be placed directly on the cheeks to provide a raised profile for them. Submalar implants are used to raise the sunken appearance of the midface/cheek area. Combination implants are meant to augment both the cheekbones and the midface/cheek area.

Consult with an experienced practitioner like Dr. Fred Bressler if you would like further information.

Contact us at our office in Houston to schedule a consultation.

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