Facelifts – Plastic Surgery Procedure – Houston

Published on June 13, 2014

FaceliftsFacial aging can appear in many ways. For some, the cheeks may appear gaunt and hollow. For others, the neck may sag, creating the appearance of a double chin or the “turkey gobbler.” Whatever the issue, facelifts may be able to address it.

Facelifts in the modern era have come to entail a more comprehensive solution to facial aging. While facelifts specifically may refer to the rhytidectomy, a surgical procedure where skin is tightened and lifted, the overall goal of the facelift is about creating the most natural rejuvenation possible. Sometimes, this facial rejuvenation process may include skin treatments and dermal injections.

The best way to determine the ideal option for you is by consulting with an experienced professional like Dr. Fred Bressler.

Contact us at our office in Houston if you’d like to schedule a consultation.

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